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How to Choose Medical Forceps?

Views: 405     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-10-10      Origin: Site

During surgery or experiments, doctors often use medical forceps. Common crocodile forceps have different sizes, shapes and materials. Choose the most appropriate alligator forceps first according to the size of the object you want to clip. Secondly, the cleaning requirements of surgical or experimental instruments determine the disinfection method and material of forceps. 



How to Choose The Right Forceps?

If you need to use forceps for experiments on white mice, then you need to choose hartmann ear forceps sterilized by steam, and of course, medical clamps forceps made of titanium alloy are also good. If you need to use forceps to operate in water, you can not choose crocodile ear forceps made of carbon steel. This is because if maintained improperly, carbon steel materials can easily rust. The color of the forceps may change after a period of use. This may be due to rusting of the forceps or to staining of the forceps. If the forceps rust, try not to use them again. If the forceps are only stained, you can use an eraser to remove the stained material from the forceps.


Steam sterilization is a good way to sterilize forceps. It is not recommended to place the forceps directly on the flame for disinfection. Because the forceps are very fine instruments, their tips are easily damaged, and if the sutter bipolar forceps are placed directly on the flame, the kocher forceps will soon be damaged. Only carbon steel adsons forceps can be sterilized by flame because carbon steel materials are not easily damaged at high temperatures. Instantaneous high temperature will cause damage to many materials of forceps. The tip of metal forceps has a fast thermal conductivity, and sudden temperature rise may destroy the structure and characteristics of metal. Typically, the tip of the forceps becomes soft, bent, deformed and brittle, thus reducing the service life of the forceps.


Some manufacturers will also treat the surface of forceps, common treatments are mirror finishing and rough finishing. These two treatments only change the appearance of the forceps and have no effect on the quality of the sponge holder forceps. The surface of the forceps treated by mirror finishing is cleaner, and the forceps treated by rough finishing are not easy to be stained and are not easy to slide off the hands when picked up. 


IF-4200L Stainless Steel Muscle Forceps


Types of Forceps

The forceps can be broadly divided into two categories: thumb forceps and ring forceps.


Thumb forceps are used to grasp, hold, or manipulate body tissues. Doctors need to use thumbs and index fingers to hold thumb forceps. The forceps are non-ratchet. For example, you can hold or move tissues with thumb forceps or move dressings during surgery. 


The ring clamp looks more like a scissor, and it can be used to clamp blood vessels to achieve hemostasis. 


There are many shapes of the tip of the thumb forceps, which may be flat, serrated, cup-shaped, circular, and toothed. In addition, the tip may be straight, curved, or angular. Thumb forceps are designed for human tissues. Serrated thumb forceps do less damage to human tissues than flat thumb forceps.